Paul Fouillen ( - )

Paul Fouillen arrived in Quimper in the early 1920s to join the Quimper municipal band as a flautist, and to support himself, he began working as a painter at the HB factory. Recognizing his talent, he quickly climbed the ranks and was promoted to workshop manager in 1924. This new status enabled him to rub shoulders with artists such as Quillivic and Bouillé, and gave him the right to create. At the end of the decade, he left the faience factory to set up his own studio. Here, he worked with glass, leather and wood, developing his own decorative techniques.

He returned to earthenware at the end of the 1930s, decorating a few pieces for Henriot, before setting up his own earthenware factory at the end of the Second World War.

Freed from all constraints, he gave free rein to his creative genius, imbued with Celticism, Cubism and a dreamlike world all his own. He trained his son Maurice in ceramic art before passing away in 1958. Maurice followed in his father's footsteps and proved himself a worthy continuator of his father's work.

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