Jean-Emile Laboureur ( - )

Originally from the city of Nantes, he left for Paris in 1895. Enrolled in law school, he frequented artists, notably the engraver Auguste Lepère. After many trips, he returned to Paris in 1912 where he met Guillaume Apollinaire and Marie Laurencin. It was during this period that his drawing came closer to cubism, of which he became one of the precursors. Mobilised in 1914, he continued to create and drew inspiration from his experiences for numerous works. In 1923, he founded the group of independent painters-engravers before helping to create the National Committee of French engraving in 1938. A renowned artist, he mainly works with burin and etching, but the few oil paintings he does are also very popular. He remained very attached to the region and lived for some time in Le Croisic before moving to Pénestin.